We typically take all the little things in life for granted, even when we could be using them to make our day-to-day more efficient.
Odds are, you're doing some simple task very wrong, and we're here to fix that for you.
From using the bathroom to drinking your morning coffee, here are 11 simple things you could probably be doing better.
Many people drink coffee right after waking up, but this might be a mistake. To wake you up, your body naturally produces cortisol. If you get some from coffee, your body may stop producing the chemical. Waiting just a little bit to make your pot can increase both your natural energy, and the energy you gain from the coffee.
For a much cleaner approach, twist the smaller bone out first, and the big one will follow easily, leaving you with 100% meat. Of course this doesn’t apply to drumsticks.
Believe it or not, you’ve been pouring orange juice the wrong way your whole life. Turn the carton upside down for a cleaner flow of liquid.
It is better to crack eggs on a flat surface, than against the edge of a bowl. This avoids getting shell mixed in with the yolk. Of course, the fancy one-handed technique works too.
Just sitting on the toilet normally, like we all hopefully do, isn’t actually the best way to help facilitate your bowel movements. Instead, your feet should be slightly raised for more of a squat. Use a stepping stool for an easier time.
It probably feels natural to turn cups and bowls upside down, but this can create mildew-like smells from the trapped water. Instead, leave them upright and let evaporation do its thing. (A proper drying rack still works best.)
Although stirring tea or coffee in a circular motion is the most aesthetically pleasing way of doing things, stirring vertically is actually most effective when it comes to dissolving sugar or other additives.
Believe it or not, you shouldn't see the side of your car in your side mirrors. This just limits field of view you could be using to see more of your surroundings.
Opening bananas from the bottom significantly decreases your chances of damaging the inside. Unfortunately, it IS less aesthetically pleasing.
When you flush the toilet with the lid up, bacterial matter can be shot tens of feet in the air, coating things in the bathroom, or hanging in the air to be inhaled. Close the lid.
You break it like this.